Anna Kovač

Rođena:24.07.1934. (Borovo Selo, Hrvatska)

Preminula:22.08.2021. (Orlando, Florida, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 87

Anna Kovač, wife of the late Mirko Kovač, passed away today near her home in Orlando, Florida.

Anna was born on July 24, 1934 in Borovo Selo, Croatia. She survived a war-torn Croatia and came the the USA for a better life. She was very active in the Detroit Croatian community and loved attending and working on various events and picnics at the parish. She is survived by her sister Helen, her brother Tony, her children: Jeanie, Joann (husband Gary) and John (wife Maja). She had 6 grandchildren: Jeffrey, Emily, Elena, Katarina, Marissa, and Stephen. She will be laid to rest next to her husband Mirko in Florida. There will be a memorial service at St. Lucy in the near future.

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