Barbara Lesic

Rođena:23.08.1936. ()

Preminula:26.11.2023. (Cleveland, Ohio, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 87

All Souls Cemetery

Barbara and her late husband, Rudolf, left Croatia for America in 1969, driven by the dream of crafting a brighter future for their children - a six-year-old daughter and her two-month old sister.

Before needing long-term care, Barbara was an avid vegetable gardener and an excellent cook. Her strudel and her abundant tomato harvests are already especially missed. She will also be remembered for her deep religious faith.

Barbara was the proud mother of Edie McDaniel and Nancy Lesic (Richard Demchuk). Her daughters are eternally grateful for the sacrifices she made on their behalf.

She is the sister of Slavko Lorkovic (Barbara) and Biserka Gornik; grandmother of Krystal, Tyler, and Sara; and her affection extended warmly to nieces and nephews: Sandra, Albin, Gina, and Robert.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Rudolf in 1991; and her brothers Janko and Joza.

FOTO: Private

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