Boris Mjehovich

Rođen:02.06.1965. (Hodilje, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:30.09.2021. (Metairie, Louisiana, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 56

St. Louis #3 Cemetery

Boris Mjehovich passed away on Thursday, September 30, 2021. He was born June 2, 1965 to Mrs. Neda Krile Mjehovich and the late Miro Mjehovich. Beloved brother of Vlaho Mjehovich (Robin) and uncle of Graeme and Cole Mjehovich. Boris was a native of Hodilje, Croatia and immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and brother at the age of 9. He was an oyster fisherman in the family business. He enjoyed watching movies. Boris was a hardworking man and showed his fight during his battle with cancer...

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