Dragutin Popich

Rođen:01.01.1936. ()

Preminuo:15.07.2024. (Louisiana, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 88


11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Harvey - Mothe Funeral Homes, LLC

Dragutin "Drago" Popich, who sailed from Yugoslavia (Croatia) to America as a young man, passed away on July 15, 2024. He was 88 years old. At 17, Drago boarded a ship bound for the United States, carrying with him dreams of a new life.

He settled in Louisiana and became an oyster fisherman, working hard with his father and other relatives in the Louisiana bayous. Drago faced many challenges during his lifetime, including Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which destroyed his home in Empire. This led him to move to Lafayette, Louisiana, but he never forgot his roots.

He was always ready to visit his many friends and family who still lived "down the road". Though not normally overly talkative, Drago was loyal, friendly, supportive, and always quick with a smile. He loved watching westerns and funny movies and television shows like "Walker, Texas Ranger."

He especially enjoyed spending time with his family. He had fun cooking and experimenting with traditional recipes in the kitchen. He used his culinary creativity to make friends and family feel welcome and special through tailoring meals based on his observations of everyone's personal favorites.

This could be Croatian spaghetti for one, a juicy steak for another, or his holiday bakalar dish for someone else. In his later years he spent time traveling. There were many summers spent in Croatia where he could reminisce and converse in his native language, sometimes for hours, over good meals with family and friends.

He also visited regularly with his daughter and friends in South Florida. Drago was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Blazenka, his parents (Jozo and Ane Popich), his brother (Dinko), and his sister (Marija). He is survived by his daughters, Mary Ann and Helen; his son-in-law, Roger; his cherished granddog, Hailey; nephews and many friends and other relatives.

FOTO: Private

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