Beloved wife and best friend of Peter (1999), loving mother of Michael (2013) and Richard and his wife Lorraine. Much loved Nonna to Norah, Keira, Nicole and Brandon. Joanne leaves behind her in-laws in Croatia and Australia, cousins in Italy, Goddaughter in California and her many family and friends from all around the globe. She was a wonderful friend to many who loved her like family.
Joanne was born in Sarnano, Italy on April 11, 1945 to Carolina and Alfredo Lucarelli. She and her family moved to Canada at an early age where they first lived in Huntsville, before settling in Acton. Joanne later met Peter and eventually married in 1967. For over 35 years, Joanne worked as a Real-estate Agent, helping families find their forever homes, right up until early 2023.
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