Rođen:22.04.1950. (Linz, Austrija)
Preminuo:18.01.2025. (Cleveland, Ohio, Sjedinjene Američke Države)
Dob: 74
In Memory of Joseph "Joe" Hlosek (74), passed away peacefully on January 18th, 2025. Born in Linz, Austria on April 22, 1950.
Joe was a devoted father to Nicholas, Erik, and Jessica; beloved son of Anica and Leopold Hlosek (deceased); cherished brother of John Hlosek, Nancy Hlosek (sister-in-law), and Marie Curtis; loving uncle of Nicholas & Christina Curtis and Stephen Dickman; and cherished cousin to many in Cleveland, Austria, Canada and Croatia. He will be deeply missed by all.
Joe graduated from Cleveland State University, where he fulfilled his passion of playing soccer. He also was a team member of the Croatia Cleveland Soccer club. After graduation, he enjoyed a successful career in accounting, working for Medical Mutual of Cleveland for over 30 years and a private tax professional. Joe also served on the Treasury Board for the American-Croatian Lodge (Eastlake).
As a father, Joe loved nothing more than spending time with his children. He offered them unconditional love, support and encouragement, while instilling in them the values of doing their best, being compassionate and remaining thoughtful. Joe possessed a unique ability to bring calm and peace to those around him.
He had a deep understanding of life, prioritizing meaningful connections and displaying a strong sense of inner wisdom, maturity, and empathy. He was introspective by nature and had a lifelong love of history, music, and the natural world. Joe faced the challenges of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) with unwavering strength and a positive outlook, guided by his profound faith and spirituality. He cherished the time he spent with his family.
FOTO: Private
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