Josip Jukic

Rođen:12.02.1953. (Zavidovići, Bosna i Hercegovina)

Preminuo:23.02.2025. (Surrey, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)

Dob: 72

Surrey, BC

Gardens of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery

He is survived by his loving wife Ana, his children Ivan (Christine), Michael (Lisa), and Valentina (Blake), and his brother Zvonko and sisters Katica and Zora.

He is also survived by his grandchildren Luka, Leila, Dominik, and Eva as well as many cousins, nieces, and nephews.

Josip was born in Zavidovići on Feb 12, 1953 and emigrated to Canada in 1974 to pursue greater opportunities. He never forgot his family back home and supported them throughout his life.

He always found great joy in life and loved nothing more than sharing it with family and friends. His generosity knew no bounds and he will live forever in our hearts and memories.

FOTO: Private

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