Rođena:25.08.1952. (Sopčić Vrh, Hrvatska)
Preminula:27.08.2021. (Burnaby, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)
Dob: 69
After a brave battle against an unforgiving illness, Katica Dehlic departed her loving family on August 27, 2021. Gone but never to be forgotten.
Katica was born is Sopcic Vrh (near Karlovac), Croatia on August 25, 1952 to Franjo and Barica Sopcic. She had a brother, Mladen (dec.) and a sister, Ljubica.
Katica is survivied by her husband Franjo, sons Dennis (Sandy) and Ljubek (Brigitte) and two adoring grandchildren, Oskar and Sofia. Sadly, Katica experienced the heartbreak of outliving two of her children, Janet and Marica.
Katica will be missed by family and friends here in Vancouver as well as in Croatia, Ontario, the US and Germany.
As a devoted wife and mother, Katica took justified pride in her home and never failed to impress with her legendary skills in the kitchen. She was a generous host and was happiest when enjoying the company of family and friends.
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