Loren John Vicich

Rođen:16.04.1931. ()

Preminuo:30.01.2025. (Chicago, Illinois, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 93

Proud Korean War Veteran and Patriarch of the Milos family from the former Assumption Parish, Chicago. Loving son of the late John and Julia (Milos) Vicich.

Preceded in death by his siblings Carole (Kenneth) Gierloff, Robert (Noreen), Mary Virgina (George) Andretich, and Diane (John)Dailey (Leo) Milashoski. Beloved godfather to Nancy Webster, the late Carla Laufer, Richard Gierloff, Robert Vicich, Sharon Dailey Vaccaro, and the late Lisa Andretich Graczyk. Devoted uncle to many nieces and nephews. Long time friend of Ed Pavlik. Fond cousin to many across the US and in Krasica, Croatia.

Long time member of the Croatian Cultural Club and former member St. Catherine of Alexandia choir. In his younger days Bud taught Croatian Kola and was a member of the a Croatian dance troupe.

Cared for by the Hines VA Homecare team, United Hospice and the staff of The Pointe at Kilpatrick.

FOTO: Private

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