Rođena:03.01.1939. (Hrvatska)
Preminula:06.01.2024. (Cleveland, Ohio, Sjedinjene Američke Države)
Dob: 85
In Memory of Maria Homoki (nee Maricic), 85, passed away peacefully on January 6, 2024.
She was born on January 3, 1939 in Croatia. Family and friends will always remember her strength, courage, and constant care. She loved her garden and enjoyed crocheting, especially when she knew her craft would help others in need. She also enjoyed cooking for others, and was quick to give bread or cookies to visitors.
Maria was a long time parishioner of St. Angela Merici in Fairview Park, Ohio. She lived in Fairview for over forty years and loved her community of friends and neighbors. Her presence will be forever missed by her family and friends.
Maria leaves behind two daughters, Mira and Kathy, and many more she considered her own. Maria also leaves behind two grandsons, Ante and Ivica, and great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, and relatives here and in Croatia who will miss her dearly.
FOTO: Private
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