Rođena:08.11.1963. (Vancouver, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)
Preminula:16.03.2022. (Burnaby, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)
Dob: 58
Born on November 8, 1963 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Maria was predeceased by her parents Ivan and Danica. She is survived by her brothers Tom (Dajana) and Josip (Loreana); nephews Ivan (Serenity), Miro, Tomi and Nikola; nieces Danica and Veronika; great-nephew Fredrik; aunt Nada and cousin Katarina (Brian), along with their children Conner and Jasmine. She also leaves behind many cousins, aunts and uncles in Croatia, Hercegovina, and Slovenia.
Maria was a kind, caring and gentle soul who enjoyed the comfort of family and friends and was a proud aunt of her nieces and nephews. Anyone who knew Maria knew of her devotion to God. This devotion and her desire to be involved in the Church community brought her to being a member of St. Mary’s Church choir. Her time spent at Sunday mass was as important to her as her work and time spent with family and friends.
FOTO: Private
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