Marija Horvat

Rođena:04.08.1949. (Svedruža, Hrvatska)

Preminula:27.01.2021. (Kamloops, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)

Dob: 71

With great sadness, we announce the passing of our beloved Marija Horvat on the morning of January 27, 2021. She was a loving wife and mother, joyful Baba, loyal friend, and devoted caretaker of nature’s small creatures. She will be deeply missed by her dear husband Rudy; her children Jason (Kasia), Julianna (Jay), and Michael (Marcy); her four adored grandchildren, Dania, Devin, Nico and little Mikaela; her sister Anica in Slovenia; and her faithful friends, Milenka, Dajana, and Wannah.

Marija was born in 1949 in Svedruža, Croatia, the youngest of five children. She moved to Slovenia as a young teenager to live with her sister Anica, who was her kindred spirit. She worked in a factory in Ljubljana where she made good friends and enjoyed her independence. She was a striking young woman with dark hair and deep brown eyes. In her early twenties, she met a handsome man who was visiting Slovenia from Canada. Rudolf Horvat would become her devoted husband of 47 years, but not without some effort on his part. It took several years and trips to Slovenia to convince Marija to join him in Kamloops, BC, Canada. Finally, in January 1974, our beautiful and brave Marija left everything she knew behind at the age of 24 to come to a new country, where she would become a wife, mother, friend, and Canadian citizen. She always spoke of 1974 as “the most productive year of her life," marvelling at how much she accomplished - a new country and language, a wedding, a home of her own, and her firstborn child. She had found peace, security and happiness.

By the end of 1978, Marija had three children under the age of four - Jason, Julianna and Michael. While there was a lot of joy and growth during those early years, Marija also experienced loneliness and isolation, missing her family. We are eternally grateful to the women who became her lifelong friends during this period. Milenka, Wannah, Teta Marija, you supported her, advocated for her, and made her laugh - becoming part of our family in the process. Thank you for always being there for our Mom. We are also thankful that Marija had a husband in Rudy who accepted and cherished her for exactly who she was - independent, strong-willed, intelligent, and tender-hearted. Rudy loved her unconditionally, and she loved him the same. They were there for each other, always.

Marija was an amazing Baba who beamed with pride watching Dania and Devin play hockey; spent hours snuggling and reading with Nico; and delighted in every FaceTime she had with her youngest granddaughter, Mikaela. She was well liked by many friends and neighbours in Kamloops, particularly in the Sagebrush neighbourhood she called home for 35-years. She was also a lot of fun to be around - and was known for her generosity and openness, her cheese buns, her amazing vegetable garden, her unique sense of humour, and her love of a good prank.

Mom took great joy from simple things. She enjoyed sitting in the warmth of the sun; the hummingbirds, butterflies, and flowers in her garden; time spent chatting with her friends over coffee. Most of all, Mom valued her family time with Rudy, her children and grandchildren, sharing a good meal, playing with the grandkids, and simply being together.

You are so loved, sweet Marija, Mom, and Baba. We are incredibly proud of you and will carry you in our hearts, always.

Special thanks to Dr. Kraig Montalbetti for your kindness and care of Mom.

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