Martin Bosnic

Rođen:20.02.1932. (Donja Voća, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:22.12.2024. (Clawson, Michigan, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 92

White Chapel Cemetery

Martin was born on February 20, 1932, from proud Croatian heritage in what was then communist Yugoslavia. He escaped as a young man and made his way to Canada in 1953. Martin eventually brought his mother and two living brothers to Canada, allowing them to enjoy freedoms unavailable under the Yugoslavian regime.

Martin also played semi-professional soccer for many years in Canada, eventually passing his love of the game down to his children and grandsons.

He made a fateful appearance at the 1961 New Year’s Eve party at the old Croatian Six Mile Hall in Detroit. After dancing with one of the young ladies Martin consulted his friends on how to show his interest and they advised him to offer her a ride home. Martin took their advice, but his interpretation of English resulted in asking her if she “wanted to fight”. After a puzzled look, Martin and Antionette began a courtship that resulted in 62 years of marriage, two sons and five grandsons.

Martin was active for many years in Detroit’s Croatian community, both with St. Jerome’s Church, St. Lucy’s and the Detroit Croatian Soccer Club, of which he was an early organizer.

By profession he was a machinist, but always was an informal soccer coach, personal trainer and political pundit, which his family will confirm. Martin also had a tremendous capacity for hard work and cared deeply about his community.

Martin leaves behind his beloved wife, Antionette; two sons, Tony and Michael, two daughters-in-law, Melissa (Smith) and Sejal (Lakumb) and his five cherished grandsons.

FOTO: Private

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