Mato Blazevic

Rođen:05.03.1944. (Struga Banska, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:07.02.2025. (Vernon, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)

Dob: 80

Our dear husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, godfather and cousin has sadly passed away surrounded by his loving family.

Mato was born and raised in Struga Banska, Croatia where he finished school in woodworking and attended the Navy.

He came to Winnipeg Canada in 1967 where he joined his oldest sister Kate with her family and met some of his lifelong friends along with his future wife Janjica Bogovic who he had spent 56 years with. Mato is predeceased by his parents Mirko and Ana Blazevic and 6 brothers.

He is survived by his wife Janjica, daughters Slavica Markac, Jackie (Enzo Saponaro), Anita (Shane Taylor-Lane), and five grandchildren Marko, Michael, Marina, Nickolas, Emma and two sisters Kate Vukovic and Slavica Krajnc along with cousins and many nieces and nephews.

Mato was a hard-working man, building a workshop on his own property where he had built hundreds of custom kitchens and furniture.

He had embraced the Vancouver Croatian community and played a large part in building and designing portions of the Vancouver Croatian Cultural Centre.

In retirement he decided with his wife to move to Vernon, where they once again built a beautiful life with a large property and a workshop with a garden overlooking Lake Okanagan.

His passion for his homeland and where he was born is where his wishes are for his final resting place. RIP Tata & Dida.

FOTO: Private

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