Miho Vojvodic

Rođen:20.08.1933. (Visočani, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:26.07.2024. (Prince George, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)

Dob: 90

Miho’s life began in Visocani, Croatia on August 19th, 1933. He was the second, of six children, born to Miho Sr. and Anna Vojvodic. Miho’s childhood was focused on family, friends and beginning his trade in carpentry. It’s also in South Croatia where he met his future wife Lenka. To start a better life for them both, Miho immigrated to Canada in 1958 where he eventually ended up in Prince George, British Columbia and began work on the railroad.

When he had the funds, he was able to have Lenka join him in Canada. He then continued in carpentry and his talent allowed him to build many houses in the city. He and Lenka went on to have four children. Miho enjoyed life in PG and could never sit still as he was an extremely hard worker.

Miho and Lenka often escaped on the weekend to go fishing together as they really enjoyed the tranquillity this brought. He was an avid fishermen and hunter along with tending his abundant garden and house. We enjoyed many harvests from his backyard garden. In his later years, Miho could be heard Skyping his relatives in Croatia. His technology skills were impressive. Miho was social and well-loved.

Miho is predeceased by Lenka and sister Mara. He is survived by his children Anita (Jim) Litke, Lydia (Terry) Vojvodic, Nicholas-Michael (Danielle) Vojvodic and Nicole (Seth) Tobin. Along with grandchildren Cole, Justin, Brady, Kyler, Miho and Oliver, he is also survived by brothers Stipe, Juro, Ante and Sister Anna.

FOTO: Private

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