Milan Vukovic

Rođen:22.09.1949. (Orahovica, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:02.07.2022. (Burlington, Ontario, Kanada)

Dob: 72


2-5 P.M.




St. Gabriel's Church

Burlington Memorial Gardens

For three weeks my husband and life partner was disappearing in front of my eyes. Cancer is a horrible disease. He had a healthy lifestyle. No drinking no smoking.

Milan was born September 22, 1949, in Orahovica, Croatia to his predeceased parents Marko and Emma Vukovic. He cherished our daughters Anna Vukovic (Trevor Watson) and Valerie Marshall (Justin Marshall). He was overjoyed seeing our younger daughter Valerie Marshall (Justin) of London, Ontario at his bedside in his last days. He was the best Dido (Deedo) to Lucas Palik and Noah Palik.

He will be missed by his nieces Irena and Neda from Pozega and their daughters. He will be greatly missed by his sister Jasenka Nuic of Stoney Creek and her family, as well as his brother John Vukovic and family of Mississauga. In Croatia, his two aunts and their families are heart broken.

Thanks for all the assistance. I can't believe they won't see him visiting Croatia anymore. To Tea, he was the only Dido she knew but lived in a faraway country called Canada. Milan worked as an elementary school teacher for 10 years in Saskatchewan, Alberta. He worked his last 20 years for Dufferin/Peel RC District Schoolboard. In retirement he worked 10 years for the City of Burlington as a school crossing guard.

Enjoyed every moment with the children and making sure they crossed the road safety every day before and after school. Married to me Stefanie for 44 years. We shared and coordinated work on a daily basis. One of a kind! Many thanks to Al and June Palik of Tilsonburg. Kumovi and their families from Grimsby, Hamilton, and Guelph. Missed him terribly as well as our other friends here in Canada. Since his diagnosis in 2013, we went on many organized trips to San Francisco (Napa Valley Train), Vienna several times and Venice, Italy. And for out our 40th anniversary, we flew to Dubrovnik a medieval city, a part of Adriatic Sea, Jadran.

Our last trip in 2019 was to Paris, France, and Normandy. For the 75th anniversary we visited D-day and ended up at Vimy Ridge. We took long drives together and visited Cabot Trail, Percy Rock was his favorite. Another Summer he drove to Boston, Cape Cod, Martha's Vinyard or Nashville, Memphis, Tennessee. We took a cruise on the Mississippi River, he drove 7,700km to Yellow Stone Park and back. Many thanks to the paramedics, Doctors, and nurses at Joseph Brant hospital. Having great neighbours to assist me means a lot. Love you to pieces, love your wife, Stefanie.

FOTO: Private

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