Mile Mike Paulic

Rođen:08.04.1934. ()

Preminuo:22.01.2025. (Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada)

Dob: 90

Assumption Catholic Cemetery

It is with heavy hearts, that our family announces the passing of our father on January 22, 2025, at the age of 90, surrounded by his loving family.

He was predeceased by his wife Jelena (2011) and his son Rudy (2022).

He will be profoundly missed by his children Ante, Vinko, Rafael and Kathy; his daughters-in-law and son-in-law Carol, Maria and Robert; his grandchildren Natasha, Emily, Kyle, Autumn, Jason, Michael, Kristina, Matija, Luka and Nicolas; his sister Bare; and his many nieces and nephews and extended family and friends. He has joined his beloved wife and son, reuniting with them in eternal peace in Heaven.

Mile was a man of determination who worked very hard throughout his life to provide for his family. Music was in his soul, family in his heart. He will be greatly missed.

FOTO: Private

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