Miljenko Pinjusic

Rođen:11.08.1933. (Gorani, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:16.04.2023. (Cliffside Park, New Jersey, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 89


3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

A.K. Macagna Funeral Home



Saints Cyril and Methodius and St. Ralph Church

Fairview Mausoleum

Miljenko was born on August 10, 1933 in a small village in Croatia called Gorane where he spent his childhood with his brothers Ante, Andirija, Ilija and his sister Kata.

Having lost his father at the age of 10, Miljenko stepped into his father's role as caretaker of his family. As a young man he was recruited into the Navy and left his beloved village behind. During his time in the Navy, he was deployed to the Island of Susak where he met his wife Dumica and they were blessed with their first child, Stephen. Not soon after, he was forced to flee the communist regime and bravely escaped by row boat with 8 other fellow Croatians.

Almost capsizing during the journey, by the grace of God they were rescued by a passing ship and made a safe voyage to neighboring Italy where he was given asylum and waited to be reunited with his wife and son. From there they migrated to Hoboken, New Jersey where they were once again blessed with 2 daughters, Kathy and Mary Ann. In 1969 they moved to Fairview where they spent most of their lives.

His love of the sea followed him throughout his career as a LongShoreman of 46 years with the NY Shipping Association-ILA. He was a vibrant member of his church community in NY at Sts. Cyril & Methodius and St. Rafael's Croatian Catholic church.

He served on many church boards and was a long standing member of the Holy Name society. His love for God and family was at the pinnacle of all he did. Continuing his fight against communism, he was a leader in his Croatian community and lived to see Croatia gain its independence as a country. In 1994 he suffered the tragic loss of his young son Stephen.

He is survived by his wife Domenica, and daughters Kathy and Mary Ann. He was truly loved by all, especially his family including: son in laws Marinko and Igor.

Grandchildren Stefanie with husband Toni, Marina, SIme and Jasmina, Marijan with wife Ana, Stefan and Bianca. Great grandchildren Leo, Adrijan, Luka, Mateo and Mia as well as his family in Cro.


Ostavši bez oca u dobi od 10 godina, Miljenko je uskočio u očevu ulogu njegovatelja obitelji. Kao mladić bio je regrutiran u mornaricu i napustio je svoje voljeno selo. Za vrijeme služenja u mornarici bio je raspoređen na otok Susak gdje je upoznao svoju suprugu Dumicu i bili su blagoslovljeni svojim prvim djetetom, Stjepanom. Nedugo potom bio je prisiljen pobjeći od komunističkog režima i hrabro je pobjegao čamcem na vesla s još 8 Hrvata.

Skoro su se prevrnuli tijekom putovanja, milošću Božjom spasio ih je brod koji je prolazio te su tako sigurno otputovali u susjednu Italiju gdje je dobio azil i čekao da se ponovno ujedini sa suprugom i sinom. Odatle su migrirali u Hoboken, New Jersey, gdje su dobili dvije kćeri, Kathy i Mary Ann. Godine 1969. preselili su se u Fairview, NJ gdje su proveli veći dio života.

Njegova ljubav prema moru pratila ga je tijekom njegove 46-godišnje karijere LongShoremana u NY Shipping Association-ILA. Bio je aktivan član svoje župne zajednice u NY u hrvatskoj župi St. Ćirila i Metoda na Manhatanu.

Služio je u mnogim crkvenim odborima i bio je dugogodišnji član društva Imena Isusova. Njegova ljubav prema Bogu i obitelji bila je temelj svega što je radio. Nastavljajući svoju borbu protiv komunizma, bio je vođa svoje hrvatske zajednice i doživio osamostaljenje Hrvatske. Godine 1994. doživio je i tragičan gubitak mladog sina Stjepana

Iza sebe je ostavio suprugu Dumicu i kćeri Kathy i Mary Ann. Bio je istinski voljen od svih, a posebno njegove obitelji, supruge, djece, zetova Marinka i Igora, unuka Stefanie sa suprugom Tonijem, Marina, Šime i Jasmina, Marijan sa suprugom Anom, Stefan i Bianca, praunuka Lea, Adrijana, Luka, Matea i Mie kao i njegova obitelj u Hrvatskoj.

Ovaj dobri čovjek živjet će u memoriji Hrvata New Yorka Božjoj knjizi života. Pokoj mu duši. Hvala mu.

FOTO: Private

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