Ned Pinjagic

Rođen:09.06.1972. (Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:03.08.2023. (Portland, Oregon, Sjedinjene Američke Države)

Dob: 51

Ned had completed high school and was studying at university when civil war broke out in Yugoslavia. He subsequently served in the Bosnian military from 1981 to 1983. In 2002, he met Traci Howard, and they were married from 2006 to 2016.

His interests included basketball and both soccer and American football (his favorite team was the New England Patriots).

Ned owned and operated a residential care home for adults with disabilities, and was known as a proud, loving and caring protector and family man who also had a funny and sarcastic side to his nature. As an amazing father, Ned’s family was most important to him.

He will be missed and remembered by his parents Mirjana and Zaim, partner Jade and their daughter Amira, and by his former wife Traci and their children Anthony and Hailey.

Private family services are to be held.

FOTO: Private

Danijela Trifunović

14.12.2024. 09:02

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