Tony Ante Danielov

Rođen:24.07.1933. (Split, Hrvatska)

Preminuo:04.04.2024. (Burnaby, Britanska Kolumbija, Kanada)

Dob: 90

Ocean View Burial Park

Tony "Ante" Danielov died peacefully in Burnaby, British Columbia on April 4, 2024 at the age of 90. Tony was born in Split, Croatia on July 24, 1933. He was preceded by his loving parents Klement and Milica.

Tony enjoyed life. He was always happiest when surrounded by family, friends, food and wine. He had a sense of humour like no other and enjoyed making people smile. Tony always worked hard so that he could provide a great life for his family…which he did.

When it finally came time for him to put down the tools and enjoy the fruits of his labour, he didn’t hesitate spending his free time in the place he enjoyed the most, his home town of Kaštel Gomilica, Croatia. He had endless friends on both sides of the world, all of whom will deeply miss him. He will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Tony is survived by his wife, Gloria of 54 years; his three children: Steven (Michele), Anita (Cliff) and Anthony (Jennifer) and; seven Grandchildren: Rylie, Carter, Logan, Mitchel, Ciara, Lukas and Emma.

FOTO: Private

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