Zora Javor

Rođena:28.01.1935. (Krmpote, Hrvatska)

Preminula:30.09.2024. (Hamilton, Ontario, Kanada)

Dob: 89

She was born in Krmpote, Hrvaska, Croatia in 1935. She came to Schumacher, Ontario in 1951. She met Tata, my dad, Nikola Sr. (deceased 1992) who was from Brinje. They fell in love and had 2 sons – Walter came first (deceased 2017) and then me (Nicky). Dad then moved the family to Hamilton to seek better work so that his sons could be close to the universities. Education was a priority. I learned about unconditional love from my parents. Baba loved my children Laura and Ryan and her granddaughter Jessica very much. Together with Ryan’s wife Teagan, they had a very special bond.

My late wife Lisa (deceased 2023) watched in awe as Baba would carve the Christmas turkey each year with her eyes closed. I tried it one year and was promptly fired by Mom as I did not live up to her standards. She loved her customer service job at Denningers in Hamilton – an institution still to this day. Customers would come to the meat counter and specifically ask for Zora, so she could cut their three or four slices of ham. Regardless of their place in life – she treated everyone the same. She worked there for over 25 years before retiring.

Mom and Dad had what everyone longs for – a small circle of cherished friends. A special shout out to these families in particular: Butorac, Romanelli, Rupcic, Luketich, Pecanic, Babic, Lokmer, Blazanin, Jagatic, Mesic, Sertic, Zielke, Boric, Smolcic, Petranovic, and Skender. I apologize if I missed anyone. Mom’s only wish was to remain at home to the end, regardless of her medical condition. That was only possible because she had four special “Angels” here on earth. Those Angels are Maria Smolcic, Katica Petranovic, Nurse Stephanie Williams and Andy Skender. Andy lived with Mom as her loyal tenant and friend for over 25 years. He was the lead Angel, without a doubt. Puno Hvala Andy for all that you did for Zora. You too are a Unicorn! The Javor family also thanks Dr. Jean Mullins, for making those house calls when Mom needed your compassion and attention the most. Thank you also to Teresa Colter at Ontario Health at Home, Nurse Erin Erdelyi at Bayshore Home Health and Nurse Laura Singh and her entire PSW team at Helping Hands Healthcare. You all took such good care of Mom.

My mother Zora is in heaven now, sitting comfortably in the front row. She is with her Nikola now. He promised me that he would save “his Zorica”, the best seat in the house. Zora loved us all and we loved her back. Zauvijek u našim mislima I srcima. - Nicky

FOTO: Private

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